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Utah Bar Admissions

UTAH STATE BAR Bar Operations & Admissions

Fees and Filing Deadlines



Bar applications are processed in the order that they are received. Due to the amount of time it takes to fully process applications, the Office of Admissions cannot guarantee that examinees who submit their application during the late submission periods will have received Character and Fitness approval in time to sit for the Exam. Examinees will be notified if this occurs, and the application will be transferred to the next scheduled exam. Examinees are required to keep their applications updated. 


  • Application available - August 1
  • Application filing deadline date – October 1*
  • Late filing deadline date – October 15 (include a $100 late fee)
  • Final filing deadline date – November 1 (include a $300 late fee)

Applicants who are unsuccessful on the July Bar Exam immediately proceeding the February Bar Exam who wish to apply for the February exam will have a separate application and a different submission deadline. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified of the deadline when scores are released.


  • Application available - January 1
  • Application filing deadline date – March 1*
  • Late filing deadline date – March 15 (include a $100 late fee)
  • Final filing deadline date – April 1 (include a $300 late fee)

Applicants who are unsuccessful on the February Bar Exam immediately proceeding the July Bar Exam who wish to apply for the July exam will have a separate application and a different submission deadline. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified of the deadline when scores are released.

The Application, all forms, and applicable supplementary documentation submitted electronically must be submitted by the end of the day on the appropriate filing deadline (by 11:59:59 p.m.). If the deadline date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, then the deadline date will be the first business day thereafter. Hard copies of any form or document must be delivered to the Bar’s office by close of business on the appropriate filing deadline. This means that a document or packet which is postmarked before the final filing deadline but not delivered until after the filing deadline will be rejected.

No Applications or SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTATION FOR APPLICATIONS Will Be Accepted After November 1 for the February Bar Examination and April 1 for the July Bar Examination.


*Note on DISBARRED Attorney Applications (includes those who Resigned With Discipline or In Lieu of Discipline): Per Rule 14-707(c), the deadline for these applications is 1 month prior to first deadline for each exam as given above. For an attorney filing a Disbarred Attorney Application, the deadline to submit this application for the February Bar Exam is September 1st. The deadline to submit this application for the July Bar Exam is February 1st. Because of the earlier deadline that the Disbarred Attorney Application is subject to, applicants filling out this type of application have earlier access to it than those filling out other types of exam application. ALL other application types are subject to the deadlines found in Rule 14-707(e)(4).



Those applying for admission by Motion, UBE Transfer, or as House Counsel may file the application at any time. However, admission to the Utah State Bar is limited to four motions for admission per year: February, May, August, and October. Allow four to six months for the Bar to process your application; occasionally it may take longer. After the application has been processed and approved by the Character and Fitness Committee, you will be eligible to be admitted on the next scheduled motion. This means that in order to have the best chance of admission on a specific motion, you must file the application at least six months before the motion will be presented to the court. So effectively the deadlines are as follows:

  • For the best chance of admission on the February motion, the application must be filed between May and August.

  • For the best chance of admission on the May motion, the application must be filed between August and November.

  • For the best chance of admission on the August motion, the application must be filed between December and February.

  • For the best chance of admission on the October motion, the application must be filed between February and April.



Application fees are subject to change without notice and are as follows:

Student Applicants taking Bar Examination$550
Attorney Applicants taking Bar Examination$850
Disbarred Attorney Applicants taking Bar Examination$5,000
Student Applicants transferring UBE Score (non-refundable) $550

Motion Applicants (non-refundable)$850
House Counsel Applicants (non-refundable)$850
Foreign Legal Consultants (non-refundable)$850
Applicants Seeking Readmission after Resignation (non-refundable)$1,000
Military Spouse Applicants$425
Laptop Computer Fee (non-refundable)$200



$395 - $550


You may submit a request for a Verification Letter (Exam, Admission, MPRE, etc.) or a copy of your application to There is a $25 administrative fee for all verifications and other types of documents.

Please note that Admissions does not have applications submitted before 2020. Contact Admissions if you need a letter verifying that the Utah State Bar no longer has a copy of your application. 

Contact the NCBE for verification of an MPRE score from 1999 or after.

For attorneys admitted to Utah who need their MPRE score prior to 1999: Admissions does not have records of MPRE scores submitted to Utah before 1999 but may provide a letter verifying the minimum score requirement at the time the applicant was admitted to the Utah Bar.


Any of the following may be used for payment of application fees: personal checks, money orders or credit cards. Credit card fees are paid online. Please make checks out to: Utah State Bar.



If at any time in the course of processing your application the Bar discovers that your application is missing documentation that should have been included when it was filed, an additional late fee may be assessed. This applies to all Applicant types.